Kowmudis Acuupoint Centre
Frequently Asked Questions:
Does it hurt?
The feeling of receiving acupuncture treatment of rare time can be described as painful. Now that does not mean it lacks feeling. But in general, the feeling is more of a tingling. Acupuncture needles have a pegged end and therefore not cut like regular injection needles do. After treatment, it is common that the patient feels a tremendous sense of relaxation and / or euphoria.
It is safe?
This is very common among those who have never experienced acupuncture treatment question. The answer lies in the ability of the practitioner. If he or she is not sure what they are doing, it is certainly possible to cause an injury with an acupuncture needle. However, when performed by one trained licensed acupuncturist, acupuncture is extremely safe and there is no danger at all. The importance of finding a trained professional can not be overstated. Are there any contraindications for acupuncture? There are very few situations where acupuncture is not recommended.
These are the most common:
"If the patient has a condition hemophiliac"
"If the patient is pregnant - certain acuupoints and manipulation of needles should not be used during pregnancy."
"If the patient has a severe psychotic condition or under the influence of drugs or alcohol"
The feeling of receiving acupuncture treatment of rare time can be described as painful. Now that does not mean it lacks feeling. But in general, the feeling is more of a tingling. Acupuncture needles have a pegged end and therefore not cut like regular injection needles do. After treatment, it is common that the patient feels a tremendous sense of relaxation and / or euphoria.
It is safe?
This is very common among those who have never experienced acupuncture treatment question. The answer lies in the ability of the practitioner. If he or she is not sure what they are doing, it is certainly possible to cause an injury with an acupuncture needle. However, when performed by one trained licensed acupuncturist, acupuncture is extremely safe and there is no danger at all. The importance of finding a trained professional can not be overstated. Are there any contraindications for acupuncture? There are very few situations where acupuncture is not recommended.
These are the most common:
"If the patient has a condition hemophiliac"
"If the patient is pregnant - certain acuupoints and manipulation of needles should not be used during pregnancy."
"If the patient has a severe psychotic condition or under the influence of drugs or alcohol"
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