Acupuncture Can Treat Chronic Tension-type Headache!
Tension-type headache is typically inflicting mild-to-moderate pain, which some describe as feeling a tight band around their head. Tension headaches can be treated with Acupuncture.
Types of tension-type headaches?
Health Experts break down tension headaches into 2 primary sorts. They base the kind on how many headaches you have and how often:
Episodic tension-type headaches happen less typically (fewer than fifteen days a month). It is called “infrequent” if you've got one or fewer headaches every month.
Chronic tension type describes once your headache days amount to headache-free days. Chronic tension headaches happen fifteen or more days every month for quite 3 months.
Causes for tension headaches?
There is no particular single cause for tension headaches. This headache sort isn't hereditary (runs in families).
Some Healthcare Experts believe tightened muscles within the back of your head or neck could trigger (bring on) tension headaches.
Acupuncture might help relieve the pain related to migraine. Acupuncture is a type of traditional Chinese medicine during which practitioners insert single-use, stainless steel needles into specific points of the body, which helps in stimulating all the muscles of the body. People can use acupuncture to replace standard treatments.
If you are suffering from Chronic Tension-type Headache, Visit our Acupuncturist today!
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