Acupuncture Treatment Clinic Many people having the various questions about Acupuncture Treatment, these are What should I expect on my first visit? Acupuncture is no different than any other form of medical treatment. Upon the patient's first visit, the practitioner will record basic biographical information about the patient, and will then proceed with the diagnostic framework of Traditional Chinese Medicine, described as the four examinations. These include: observation, listening and smelling, questioning, and touching. Once the diagnosis is complete, the practitioner will discuss the treatment with the patient, and the patient will have an opportunity to ask questions - i.e. how many needles will be used, at which acupoints, possible duration of treatment, complimentary treatments such as herbal medicine, etc. How many treatments will I need? The total number of treatments required to effect change in a condition varies dependent upon the disease, and it's severity, the duration of the illness, the frequency of the treatments and the patient them self. Consultation with an experienced practitioner on you and your condition will offer the best guide for the length of treatment. However, as a rough guideline, the maximum benefit is usually obtained after approximately ten treatments. Are there any side effects or complications? As previously mentioned, acupuncture is an extremely safe method of treatment, and as such, side effects and complications are extremely rare when treated by an experienced, licensed practitioner. However, a small number of patients do have reactions to the procedure which may include nausea, light-headedness and fainting. As in any matter pertaining to health, any concerns should be discussed with the practitioner prior to treatment and following treatment to ensure maximum effectiveness. Can children receive acupuncture? Yes, children can receive acupuncture and often have excellent results with this treatment. However, in cases where the children are uneasy about the needles, a practitioner may choose to use an acupressure treatment (massage of the acupoints), as opposed to acupuncture. for appointments please call Dr.Nath 8019520812
Kowmudis Acuupoint Centre Frequently Asked Questions: Does it hurt? The feeling of receiving acupuncture treatment of rare time can be described as painful. Now that does not mean it lacks feeling. But in general, the feeling is more of a tingling. Acupuncture needles have a pegged end and therefore not cut like regular injection needles do. After treatment, it is common that the patient feels a tremendous sense of relaxation and / or euphoria. It is safe? This is very common among those who have never experienced acupuncture treatment question. The answer lies in the ability of the practitioner. If he or she is not sure what they are doing, it is certainly possible to cause an injury with an acupuncture needle. However, when performed by one trained licensed acupuncturist, acupuncture is extremely safe and there is no danger at all. The importance of finding a trained professional can not be overstated. Are there any contraindications for acupuncture? There are very few situations where acupuncture is not recommended. These are the most common: "If the patient has a condition hemophiliac" "If the patient is pregnant - certain acuupoints and manipulation of needles should not be used during pregnancy." "If the patient has a severe psychotic condition or under the influence of drugs or alcohol"
Queries about Acuupoint Treatment : Generally many people worried about the Acuupoint Treatment Does it safe? This is very general among those who have never experienced acupuncture treatment question. The answer lies in the ability of the practitioner. If he or she is not sure what they are doing, it is certainly possible to cause an injury with an acupuncture needle. However, when performed by one trained licensed acupuncturist, acupuncture is extremely safe and there is no danger at all. The importance of finding a trained professional cannot be inflated. What should I expect on my first visit? Acupuncture is no different than any other form of medical treatment. After the first visit the patient, the doctor will record basic biographical information about the patient, and then proceed with the diagnostic framework of traditional Chinese medicine, which is described as the four tests. These include: observation, listening and smelling, questioning and moving. Once the diagnosis is complete, the doctor will discuss the treatment with the patient and the patient will have the opportunity to ask questions - that is, the number of needles used, in which the acupuncture points, the possible duration of treatment complimentary treatments such as herbal remedies, etc. How many treatments are needed? The total number of treatments necessary to effect a change in a condition varies depending on the disease and is severity, duration of disease, frequency of treatment and the patient themselves. Consultation with an experienced professional and condition you provide the best guide for the duration of treatment. However, as a rough guide, the maximum benefit is usually obtained after approximately ten treatments.
Chinese Theory of Acupuncture: Chinese acupuncture theory: Due to factors such as the long-term conditions of illness, stress, tension, lack of sleep, sudden change in weather, etc., lead to blockages in these energy meridians, the results of further in various types of ailments? Based on this pathological principle, acupuncture needles are used to clean the blocks in order to restore a healthy flow of energy through the body's organs. In this way, the individual is naturally cured of his / her condition. The most able to benefit this treatment method factor is that the root cause of the problem is cleared by unlocking channels. That means, you are not given the fair treatment of symptoms that arise, which is a promising factor of acupuncture.
Acupuncture Treatment: Acupuncture is a form of holistic healthcare that uses needles to help treat a patient.The needles that are inserted into the vital points will stimulate the body to release endorphins thus helping the person control their appetile. KOWMUDIS’ OBJECTIVES: » To educate the society regarding the potential benefits of Acupuncture and other related therapies. » To make everyone aware that Acupuncture can cure all diseases and disorders. » To promote a healthy and natural way of living life.
Acupuncture For Various Problems: In the society, many people suffering from various conditions are visiting number of doctors by spending thousands of rupees, without a satisfactory result and improvement in their health conditions. One of the main reason is that the patients are having a very little knowledge of their body’s nature as well as functioning. An individual’s average life expectancy is declining day by day with many people dying at an age of 50. The reasons pertaining to this dangerous situation could be various lifestyle factors such as improper diet, improper timings of food intake and usage of too many medicines with side effects, etc. Chronic disorders such as diabetes and B.P have become very common in the recent decades, with India being one of the leading countries in the number of diabetes patients.