How Acupuncture can Help your arthritis?
Inflammation and discomfort in the joints are common symptoms of arthritis. Acupuncture is one of the most often used therapies for arthritic symptoms and pain relief. Acupuncture belongs to Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which involves putting very tiny needles into specific body parts' skin or muscles. According to some research, it could reduce the symptoms of arthritis and enhance a person's quality of life.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture involves inserting very tiny stainless steel needles into certain
body areas' skin or muscles. The basic idea is that the body's essential life
energy "qi" which is pronounced "chee," circulates through pathways called
Experts state that pain or illness is caused by a blockage in the qi's flow.
Acupuncturists use a combination of more than 2,000 acupuncture points to
increase the flow of qi and relieve symptoms.
From ancient times, practitioners have used acupuncture to treat a variety of
diseases, such as:
- Neck pain
- Knee pain
- Lowerback pain
- Dental pain
- Headache
- Discomfort after surgery
What are the advantages of acupuncture on arthritis?
- The TCM method of acupuncture
- sham acupuncture, which involves inserting needles into various body parts.
- no therapy until after the study
The following advantages were cited by the patients who received TCM-based
- less pains
- increased hand and arm strength
- better overall health
- enhanced standard of living
The results mentioned above indicate that conventional acupuncture might be
an effective treatment for RA of the hands.
If you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, Visit our Acupuncturist today!
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Contact: +91 81210 96969
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